Monday, 2 January 2012

Ok so now what is next

So I have been in this sort of limbo land for a while now, and it has really had an impact on me, I am feeling rather flat about life and everything in general. What has been jumping up for me in the last few days is something that I have paraphrased from Michelle as I can't remember exactly what she says but anyway, what other options is there. Do I want to stay like this? Hell no. Yet I am still struggling with the motivation to move forward.

I have decided to increase my Calories, for the next 4 weeks I am following a menu plan from Symply too good too be true recipe books. It is basically everyday foods that have been modified to use healthy options. I need food to be an enjoyable thing rather than such a negative option.

I am going to make a goal/motivation board. As soon as I have finished editing pics.

I am going to make an exercise template so my exercise is mapped out for each day.

There is no other alternative, I don't want to be this person for another year.

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