Monday 29 August 2011

Food for Monday 29th and plan for tomorrow

special K with skim milk
fried mushrooms, ham, eggs on wholemeal toast
Salad wrap with roast beef
Low Fat oven baked Chicken Parma, steam veggies, grilled zucchini and sweet potato mash
Low fat yogurt 100 grams and 3 strawberries.

Water 1.4 liters

Treadmill for 15 mins, was aiming for 25 but someone woke up lol.

Tomorrow exercises

I am thinking Kinects at 11 am, walk at 2pm and treadmill when Jhett goes to sleep.

My commitment

I commit to respecting and honouring myself by eating nourishing foods and using my body for what it is designed, physical activity. I am committed to respecting and supporting myself through erasing my negative self-talk and excuses. I am committed to transforming my body into a power house, to completing in a body sculpting competition – to highlight my strength and tone, to becoming an accomplished Burlesque performer – to highlight the sexiness that is my body and personality and to running a Marathon with Fi in 12 months time – to highlight my endurance, grit and staying power.

I am committed to doing this through consistency, organisation, belief in those that know better than me and my ability to fake it till I make it. I am committed to exercising 6 days per week, planning and sticking to my menu plan and completing all task’s set to the best of my ability and 10% more at all times. I am committed to supporting other through their journey and allowing myself to believe the advice and support I give to others. I am committed to making myself the best version of myself I can be through following the 12 wbt program at all times.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Ummmmmmmmm I just dont know

Hey everyone.

So much for posting everyday.

I just can not get my head around actually walking the walking and not just talking the talk. I am full of advice and support and encouragement for everyone else but I just can't seem to transfer that to myself.

Things aren't to bad at the moment, emotionally things have slowed down but I just feel like I kinda don't live in my body at the moment, like I am disconnected some where along the line.

I am trying to sort myself out, trying to get back to some sort of even playing field.

I will work on getting here more regularly, I am thinking at night to plan my next day and to update on the days activity and food. Maybe that will help me to just do what needs to be done.

Ok well I will be back tonight.......

Thursday 18 August 2011

Welcome back

Hey Everyone, big shout out to Ms Bianca, this is for you my love

I know I have been missing in action for quite a while now, the last few weeks have been a bit full on emotionally and I have really fallen off the wagon.

Ms Melons and I are no longer friends due to some action that were taken by Ms Melons, this is something that caused me a great deal of pain and really sent my spiralling for a while. I have decided that I will not be her victim and I will be stronger and better.

I have joined up with the Michelle Bridges 12WBT program, pre-season started this week. I am excited and scared. We have a group of about 30 people all from this area who all seem really excited about the program and I am looking forward to getting to know them and share this journey with them.

My eating and excercise are so not happening at the moment. Today I haven't had any choc and although I haven't excercised I have a plan lol.

My task on the 12WBT program today is to write out all my excuses for why I dont JFDI (just fucking do it). I am avoiding it lol.

So I am now working on back to blogging everyday. So here we go again guys ,this time with renewed determination.

Here is the link to my youtube intro for the 12wbt program

Night all xox